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Intégration des personnes immigrantes au marché du travail et diversité de la main-d’œuvre
Politiques d’immigration
Qualité de vie au travail et bien-être au travail
Formation universitaire
Université McGill
Montréal, Canada
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Canada
Liste des publications des 5 dernières années
Boulet, M. (2025). Include, care, reward and enhance to build a well-being HRM system based on perceived effectiveness and fairness of HRM practices. Evidence-Based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, (ahead-of-print).
Boulet, M. et Parent-Lamarche, A. (2023). Workers’ well-being and job performance in the context of COVID-19: a sector-specific approach. Evidence-based HRM, 11(3), 377‑394.
Gilbert, M.-H., Dextras-Gauthier, J., Boulet, M., Auclair, I., Dima, J. et Boucher, F. (2023). Leading well and staying psychologically healthy: the role of resources and constraints for managers in the healthcare sector. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 38(1), 70-91.
Wranik, W. D., McGowan, R., DeRiviere, L., Caron, I., Grace, J., Boulet, M. et Filbee, K. S. (2023). Staying Motivated: The Study Protocol for a Life-Course Analysis of the Career Paths of Canadian Public Servants. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22(Décembre), 1-11.
Boulet, M., Lachapelle, M. et Keiff, S. (2023). Demographic diversity, perceived workplace discrimination and workers’ well-being: context matters. Evidence-based HRM, 11(1), 35-51.
Parent-Lamarche, A. et Boulet, M. (2021). Employee well-being in the COVID-19 pandemic: The moderating role of teleworking during the first lockdown in the province of Quebec, Canada. Work, 70(3), 763-775.
Parent-Lamarche, A. et Boulet, M. (2021). Workers’ Stress During the First Lockdown: Consequences on job Performance Analyzed With a Mediation Model. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 63(6), 469-475.
Boulet, M. et Parent-Lamarche, A. (2022). Paradoxical Effects of Teleworking on Workers’ Well-Being in the COVID-19 Context: A Comparison Between Different Public Administrations and the Private Sector. Public Personnel Management, 51(4), 430-457.
Montreuil, V.-L., Dextras-Gauthier, J., Gilbert, M.-H., Dima, J. et Boulet, M. (2022). Remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic: How do digital technology use affects mental fatigue, psychological distress and well-being? Safety and Health at Work, 13, S166.
Boulet, M. (2021). Profiling the “big fish in a small pond” and examining which one swims the most happily. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 44(2), 446-460.
Boulet, M. et Parent-Lamarche, A. (2020). Le bien-être psychologique et la performance au travail en temps de pandémie COVID-19? A+, le carrefour des acteurs publics, 7(2), 1-5.
Vous trouverez l'ensemble des publications sur le site de la Bibliothèque.