Détails et coordonnées
Économie politique internationale
Interactions public - privé
Relations internationales
Commerce international
Sociologie des technologies
Investissement direct étranger
Gouvernance des données privées
Analyse de réseaux
Technologies numériques
Systèmes complexes
Firmes transnationales
Formation universitaire
University of Warwick
Coventry, Royaume-Uni
Université Laval
Québec, Canada
Université Laval
Québec, Canada
Liste des publications des cinq dernières années
Bacqué, J., & Beaumier, G. (2025). Le conseil de surveillance de Meta : Une nouvelle forme de gouvernance privée pour la modération des contenus en ligne? [Monographie de chercheur]. Groupe d’études et de recherche sur l’international et le Québec (GÉRIQ), ENAP.
Beaumier, G., Heering, J., & Newman, A. (2024). Running out the digital clock : Transatlantic privacy politics and veto points in time. Journal of European Integration, 46(7), 993‑1013.
Morin, J.-F., & Beaumier, G. (2024). The organizational ecology of the global space industry. Review of International Political Economy, 1‑29.
Beaumier, G., Couette, C., & Morin, J.-F. (2024). Hybrid organisations and governance systems : The case of the European Space Agency. Journal of European Public Policy, Published online: 20 Mar 2024, 1-31.
Beaumier, G., & Cartwright, M. (2024). Cross-Network Weaponization in the Semiconductor Supply Chain. International Studies Quarterly, 68(1)
Beaumier, G. (2023). Novelty and the demand for private regulation : Evidence from data privacy governance. Business and Politics, 25(4), 371 392.
Beaumier, G., Papin, M., & Morin, J.-F. (2023). A combinatorial theory of institutional invention. International Theory, Published online : 09 May 2023, 1-27
Beaumier, G., & Campbell-Verduyn, M. (2023). Can openness stop digital platforms from exploiting users? Policy Options
Beaumier, G., & Kalomeni, K. (2022). Ruling through technology : Politicizing blockchain services. Review of International Political Economy, 29(6), 2135-2158
Beaumier, G. (2021). Ruling in a complex world : Private regulatory networks and the export of European date protection rules. Dans G. Christou & J. Hasselbalch (Éds.), Global networks and European actors : Navigating and managing complexity (p. 71-89). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Beaumier, G. (2021). Systems analysis. Dans J.-F. Morin, C. Olsson et E. Ö. Atikcan (dir.), Research methods in the social sciences: an A-Z of key concepts (p. 277-281). Oxford University Press.
Beaumier, G., Kalomeni, K., Campbell-Verduyn, M., Lenglet, M., Natile, S., Papin, M., Rodima-Taylor, D., Silve, A., & Zhang, F. (2020). Global Regulations for a Digital Economy : Between New and Old Challenges. Global Policy, 11(4), 515-522